Santani Wellness Kandy- Sri Lanka
Harmonising health science innovations from around the world with thousands of years of Sri Lankan Vedic philosophies and practices, Santani offers a thoughtful, sustainable approach to wellness, that we like to call Wellness 2.0, which forms the basis for everything we do here. No two people are alike, and at Santani every programme is tailor-made just for you. And beyond the plethora of healthy indulgences for the mind, body and spirit at Santani, our success rests upon the mindfulness we impart so that you may thrive in every aspect of your life back home. Come to Santani and immerse yourself in a wellness experience to last a lifetime.
Room Types
Mountain View Chalets, Garden View Chalets
Treatment Types
Personal Dosha Ayurveda, Rebalancing Bliss, Personalised Yoga, Weight-loss, Detox, Rebalancing Bliss, Immune Boosting Detox, Holistic Management of Menopause, De-addiction, Anti-ageing, Meditation, Stress Management
Property Features
Lets Connect Today
Below contact details are subjected to changes by the Center Owner
Santani Wellness Kandy Aratenna Estate, Werapitiya, Kandy, Sri L.
Write or Call / (+94) 70 366 9110